On Literary Awards, in the US and Spain

Three winners of the Herralde Prize: Roberto Bolaño, Mariana Enriquez, and Xita Rubert. While Bolaño and Rubert were awarded the prize for the novels pictured here, Enriquez won for her 2019 novel "Nuestra parte de noche"
Vesto’s Fall 2024 includes Liveright, The New Press & More

Jaydra Johnson's "Low: Notes on Art & Trash" was selected by acclaimed writer Maggie Nelson as the winner of Fonograf Editions’ inaugural essay collection contest.
A groundbreaking biography of Audre Lorde

Alexis Pauline Gumbs. Photo credit: Sufia Ikbal-Doucet.
Four Takeaways from Readmagine 24

Readmagine 24 panel "New audiences and where to find them," with Mariana Fegéd and Antonio J. Rodríguez, May 31, 2024.
Conversation with Joanie Holzer Schirm

Joanie Schirm reviewing her father's correspondence in 2008. The passport photo seen in the foreground became the cover of MY DEAR BOY.
After Coal at Book Culture

Steven Stoll, Sarah Jones, and Tom Hansell at Book Culture | Photo by Jeremy Wang-Iverson
Michel Feher at Night of Philosophy

Michel Feher at Seminary Coop in Chicago | Photo by Alana Podolsky