Clockroot Books

Idlewild’s coming to Brooklyn!

By January 23, 2012May 15th, 2018No Comments

With the challenges that many independent bookstores are facing these days, I couldn’t believe that Idlewild opened a second location at 249 Warren Street, just off Court Street in Cobble Hill. Of course, owner David Del Vecchio is running more than a bookstore, offering several language classes that are taught by native speakers over a challenging ten-week course. The courses are reasonably priced and always scheduled at convenient times. (I took a class at Idlewild last fall: I might not be reading Bolaño in Spanish anytime soon, but it was an excellent refresher and great to use parts of my brain I hadn’t in a while.) This photo was taken during a reading I arranged at Idlewild’s 19th Street store in April 2011 for a new edition of Margarita Karapanou’s The Sleepwalkerthat was translated by Karen Emmerich (left). After the reading, the poet Elsbeth Pancrazi (right) joined Karen to discuss the book.

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