Book FestivalsZone Books

Zone at the Frankfurt Book Fair

By October 8, 2018No Comments

In the next few days, I will be attending the Frankfurt Book Fair for Zone Books, meeting the publisher’s dedicated agents and also editors from several countries. Recent publications and catalogs from Zone will be on display at the MIT Press stand, 6.2 B-22. The latest rights guide for Zone can be found here and in the photo above, taken at my stand at the Brooklyn Book Festival, you can see a few international editions of Zone titles: Malpaso’s El pueblo sin atributos [Wendy Brown’s Undoing the Demos in Spanish, translated by Víctor Altamirano] and Seuil’s Langues obscures [Daniel Heller-Roazen’s Dark Tongues in French, translated by Paul and Françoise Chemla]; in the left corner you can just spot Akal’s Renacimiento anacronista [Alexander Nagel and Christopher Wood’s Anachronic Renaissance in Spanish, translated by Francisco López Martín].

Titles published by Zone have been translated into 19 languages; the publisher is also known for translating leading scholars and significant texts into English, including a new title for this fall, Michel Feher’s Rated Agency: Investee Politics in a Speculative Age, translated from the French by Gregory Elliott; Feher’s latest, the fourth edition of the Near Futures series, was first published as Le temps des investis in 2016 by Le Decouverté.


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